Mon 27 Jan
💗💖!!Marissa!!💋💋💞💖 $80-$60 special☎out and incall!!👅😻 sexy💗 latina💯💦💦💦 (Northside) - 23 - 28
(City of Houston, Houston, northeast)
-:- -:- CuRvY BLoNdE GoDDeSs.. NeW PiCs.. $60/$80/$140 iNcALL sPeCiaLs -:- -:- - 26
(Memphis, ••iNcALL and OuTcALL••)
Start your day off the right , SPECIALS ALL DAYY!! don't miss out babes - 22
(Portland, beaverton incall)
♥ This Durty Girl is Always Ready 2 Play! ________ _________ Natural 38EEE!! ♥ 75 Specials 2nite! - 26
(Portland, Incall/Outcall)
Highly skilled 👅💦exotic beauty💋💔 at your service. Call for an unrushed ,unforgettable experiance - 21
(Concord, East Bay, pleasant hill,walnut creek,San Ramon)
Smoking Hot, Exotic, and Very Addictive
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem)
So. Cal Beauty & SOO SEXY !! ——MIXED Babe—— SWEET! — — &nd; -----TONE—— REAL PICTURES—— 😍😘 - 21
💋Special outcalls♡ 100%real pixx ▒★ KiLLєR CuRvEs ⇨【 F®∈AⓚY°】★【pRetTy FαCє】♡【JuiCy asss. Hola Papi - 28
(Portland, SE Portland)
§lip && $l¡Dє... ₩!Th A°((§M@©K@B|€)) "B"oO"ty ♡PINK & jUiCY!♡ ★SK¡LL€D L¡PS & T¡GHT GR¡P§ - 22
(Arlington, 360/ARLINGTON Incalls/outcalls (NewPIXS))
¯`'.¸ ♥ ¸.'´¯) Waiting * 4 * You (¯`'.¸ ♥ ¸.'´¯) BLONE PLaY m aT--e - 31
(Columbia Northeast)
{{ SATISFACTION }} {{ IS }} {{ MY } } {{#1}} {{ PRIORITY }} - 22
(portland airport area)
🍫🍭🍬Ready for something sweet like CANDY? Call Naomi and visit my Candyland! (24/7)🍭🍬🍫 - 23
(PRE BOOK)Rare Incall Availability downtown location on Feb 7th&8th *Real Pics&Reviews;* - 30
(SE Portland)
New Hottie in Town! Gorgeous! And Waiting for You! - 19
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, In your arms ;))
💖 ✿ 💖 Natural DD's! 💖 PORTLAND $100 Special💖 Because you can't motorboat a personality!! 💖 ✿ 💖 - 18 - 18
(Portland, Portland PDX)
$100 Out Special █ {{2 SexY DoLLz}} ❤ {{ GreaT RaTeS }} ❤ Up 24/7 █ - 21
(Yours/ Mine, Mya 281-515-3585)
♥♥♥100% REAL & 100% Naughtyyy ♥♥♥ - 23
(Appleton / Oshkosh / FDL, Eau Claire, INCALL/OUTCALL, Janesville, Madison, Milwaukee)
V-Day SpeCiaL All Week~~Here From South Fl~~ StaR***NiKi JaMe*** - 23
(Oklahoma City, Traveling/currently OKC)
✋STOP 60 🌹 ⚠️ incalls AvAilablE NOW⚠️ BoMbShElL Ultimate Companion HIGHLY SKILLED 💋💎💄 - 20
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City incalls meridian)
★ █ █ Elite AsiAn BeAuty .•*AvAilable 24/7*•. ☆ ( *1OO% REAL* ) ☆ __ - 24
(Portland, Downtown, Convention Center, Airport)
💋❤sexiest white girl 💋❤100% me or its free!! Hr specials today only! - 24
(Macon, Macon Ga & surrounding incall or outcall)
💖♥Cassiee♥💖 ready to hang out. come try my amazing incall $sPeCiAlS specials specials$ - 24
(Oklahoma City, SOUTHWEST OKC)
Are You A Good Looking Man? Make Great $$ Full or Part Time! - 40
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, USA)
XOXO ..:.. K N O C K ..:.. O U T ..:.. B O D Y ..:.. XOXO 4802389773 Sat specials bESt eXperienCe - 19
(north/west phoenix)
U L T I M A T E * LiL * Ebony * CrEaTiON ..xXx.. TiGHT ($60) WeTT ($60 ) TREAT ($60 )) AvAiLaBLe NoW - 20
(incall ( I-10 exit CHANDLER blvd ))
✨💄 100 % ℛεaℓ HOT Girl 💄▬▬▬▬✨Your Satisfaction is all We Care About ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ✨ 650-392-9047 - 22
(Cleveland, ✨✨✨Cleveland✨✨✨)
SPECIAL ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Highly Reviewed Busty Blonde GFE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ BRAND NEW PICS
(Central Phoenix, Biltmore)
**Shhh Your Secrets Safe With Me** ^^Great Reviews!!!^^ {Check Me Out, Emery} I GOT A NEW NUMBER!!! - 24
(Greensboro, Greensboro,nc)
classy💄👠 sweet 😇 and ready to meet!💋 💄28. white strawberryblond 5foot 3 incalll and out125 lbs. - 30
========= BRAND NEW ========= AIRPORT AREA VOODOOBOOTIE on DUTY!! ========= BRAND NEW ========= - 36
((= MUST SEE =)) °★©° ((= Elite LAtiNA =)) °★©° LeTs PlAy pApi!!! - - 21
(East Valley, Az Mills / i10 & Baseline)
·°·°·°· »»»»» ALL MY I N D E P E N D E N T Ladies [CLICK HERE PLZ] ««««« ·°·°·°· - 24
(Greensboro, where happiness n success is guarenteed!)
MORNING SPECIALS!!! Call Now! ExoTiC ChOcOlAte BeauTy WanTinG GoOd ComPaNy!! Incalls!!! - 23
(North Jersey, Wayne, Clifton, Paterson)
☎~☎$45 I'm ☆ Alw@ys ☆ On My ☆ N@ughtiest ☆ Beh@vior!! ✔ $100hr SPECIALS ALL DAY& NIGHT! ☎~☎~☎✔✔ - - 21
44DD MATURE SuPer Busty Exotic Lady - 100% Woman ~ - 42
(Greensboro, 20miles south of Salisbury/Concord area)
🌊 100% Real ✘ℴ ❤ ✘ℴ Sexy Playmate ✘ℴ ❤ ✘ℴ Hablo Espanol - 21
(Greensboro, greensboro/ Pisgah church)
%1,000 ReaL PiCs GuArAnTeeD *√* LaDy DeZrAe *√* UnBelieVabLe $60 SpeciaL *√* - 21
(Greensboro, Highpoint Rd Incall Only)