Sat 11 Jan
((((((( ring the alarams )))))))JANET MMMMMMM is here & you DON'T wanna miss out!!!!!!! - 23
☠₩Ā®ÑĮŃG ☣ExTReMeLy FReaKii ░▒▓ ★FiNGeR LiCKiN GoOd★♣BiG BOOTY FuN GirL 100% ReAL PiC♣💋 Ts.BROWNIE💋 - 23
(Phoenix, Scottsdale ready too CREAM)
Ts Malani Sanchez...... Party Girl Hot and ready for Action now 9'ff and ready to !!! - 23
(281) * ¨Big Booty Bella ¨*-:¦* (901) *¨:-* (9630) 100% Real Pics *¨¨*:* Facebook Verified - 21
(Greensboro, Freeman mill/coliseum DMV area)
Available 24/7 .. . . Colombian Brazilian Playmate . .. . 646 . 587 . 7437 ♥ Ts Prada - 19
(North Jersey, Clifton)
:•💕•:* EXTREMELY •💕•:* EXOTIC LaTiNA *:•💕•:*Fully FuNcTiOnAl* :•:* - in Town - 26
(Miami, Miami downtown)
BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND 💘💕Gia🍑👅The 10.5 in Brazilian Beauty 🍓💦👑314-793-7228 - 21
(St. Louis, St. Louis Airport)
★______________ ★HOT ASIAN ★ ______________★ UPSCALE ★ _____________ ★BEAUTIFUL IN PERSON ★ - 22
(San Jose / South Bay, SAN JOSE / SOUTH BAY ◼️◼️ ◼️◼️ ◼️◼️ ◼️◼)
💕🌴🌸 CLiCK H€R€ NoW 💕🌴🌸 PaRaDiSE AwAiTS YoU 💕🌴🌸 SuP€R S€xx¥ RiGhT H€R€ 💕🌴 - 24
(Orange County, Anaheim, CA)
Wanna have the time of your life??? - 24
(Asheville, Boone, Charlotte, Eastern NC, Fayetteville, Greensboro, Hickory / Lenoir, Outer Banks, Raleigh / Durham, Wilmington, Winston / Salem, everywhere)
*@*@ MosT BeauTiFuL TraNsSeXuALs In ThE WorLd Avail Now till NooN @*@* - 25
(w. palm beach 1 day only !)
Barbie cuban ts thursday and friday nigthts visiting boca raton786 564 2660 - 23
(West Palm Beach, Aiport belverde road)
Jessica,5"3 120 lbs sexy kinky fun in fort lauderdale - 23
(Fort Lauderdale -sunrise, Ft Lauderdale, Miami, West Palm Beach)
Hey Check This Out ,A Hot Tasty Caramel Sundae With Whip Cream And A Cherry. Umm Good - 21
(Central West End)
💥CAUTION💥 ‼️V.I.P【cRazY SkiLLs]🍌 👅✘ Smoking HOT 🔥🎱PaRTyGiRL🐴HUNG 11XL HeavySHoOTER💦❤️️️ - 26
(Downtown, St. Louis)
100 real am here to give you total satisfaction an explore eve thing you wish - 24
(Orlando, orlando fl)
Alo rico rico 👀wedsite Mira mi wedsite new number 7865069290 estoy para dar o recibir 8pulgadas - 25
(42 nw 7 st, Miami)
In San Jose now! visiting just for few days! Sexy beautiful and sexy ♥TS SOPHIA♥ available now! - 23
(San Jose / South Bay, Downtown)
💋 Sexy Ts Patricia 💋 pretty face 💋sweet attitude 💋☎️☎️(786) 617-0803 - 23
(Metrocenter Mall, Phoenix)
👑👑👑 SuPeR 🔥🔥🔥 Hot 💦💦💦Ts Perfect 🔟 Ready 💦💦💦 To Play 🐱 1000% Real 👸🏽 Photos ❗️❗️❗️ - 21
(Bay Area, East Bay)
(( ♥ ♥ BLONDE♥ ♥ )) (( ♥ ♥S e xy♥ ♥ )) :: ♥ :: (( ♥ ♥ AVAiLABLE ♥ ♥ ))..... - 30
(North Jersey, West New York, NJ)
Rica lokota transexual cubana con una lengua que te ara mirar las estrellas - 41
(Miami, Pequeña Habana sw 12 ave)
FAKE PICTURE ALERT * she is using fake Pics , these are fake * FAKE PICTURE ALERT - 19
***New Beautiful Exotic Girl In Town Until Sunday*** (Pics Are 100% Me) - 20
(Greenville (Laurens Rd))
Discounted Rate$ Available if You Invite Me To Your Private Residence or Hotel. - 30
(Greenville, Anderson, Clemson)
➡💕➡💕➡💕➡ ❇🌟☆ InToXiCaTiNg beautii ❇🌟☆ VIP SERV. ❇🌟☆ 💯%ME 💯%DISCREET - 22
👑●❣●⭐24/7 *• :•.$PECIALZ * HUNG REDBONE VIXEN 10"MEAT FF💢 *Carmel bubble butt CAkES🌟.❣Taste●👑 - 22
(St. Louis, 70Lindbergh10min frm Airport In/Outcals)
mmmm yummy!! all the things you want & more!!
(Central Jersey, Jersey Shore, North Jersey, South Jersey, Downtown and Surrounding)
In Newton.Grove Real HORNY 🍎👌JuIcY👌, tIgHt👈, & JuSt RiGhT👍 WoNt✋StOp. UnTiL The LaSt DrOp💦 - 28
(Eastern NC, Newton. Grove 13 South)
Fri 10 Jan
Very Classy and Very Sexy Mature Blonde Transexual Meeting Now...1st timers call me now - 36
(notfolk/va bch)
Straight BI Curious Man seeks a FIRST TIME meeting with a Dom TS for NEW EXPERIENCE (ZERO TRIBUTE) - 64
(Clearwater, Palm Harbor, New Port Richey, Tampa)
Trick or treat💸💳💵💰 bring me something nice😘😘🍆 - 26
(Alantic city, South Jersey, Abescon, South Jersey)
🆕👸🏻Exotic Mileena Alessandra👸🏻🆕💎IN SANTA CLARA💎💯REAL AD💯🚫Dont Be Fooled By Fake - 22
(San Jose, San Jose / South Bay)
BEAUTIFUL,ts nice dramma free,what u see is what u get - 29
(San Jose / South Bay, san jose city college)
80!! Special;) Bootylicious Brown Latina for you guys that dont want a Stick But dont want a BBW. - 23
(48th st and McDowell)
Ever Wonder if that Totally Hot Babe is a Shemale? >> - 19
(Asheville, Boone, Charlotte, Eastern NC, Fayetteville, Greensboro, Hickory / Lenoir, Outer Banks, Raleigh / Durham, Wilmington, Winston / Salem)
👗🏼WHITE Raleigh visiting Greensboro Raleigh Salisbury EW PICS southern bombshell VISTING NOW - 28
(Charlotte, Greensboro, Raleigh / Durham, Raleigh Greensboro Salisbury, Wilmington, Winston / Salem)
🌟Back VISITING NOW~Charlotte Feb.24-27 👠Dreamgirl💋 Wild SEXY Sassy -HOT EXOTIC White 🎆Party🍻 - 28
(Asheville, Charlotte, Eastern NC, Greensboro, Raleigh / Durham, S.Charlotte after 4pm (i-77) Tyvola, Wilmington)
*****----- S -T- A - C - Y -------- G - A - L - O - R - E -----***** Dominant Black Shemale - 30
PERFECT ➓ █ ▇ ▆ ▃ ▂★ ☆ TS-OCTAVIA★▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇★S ☆ T ★ A ☆ R★▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂★H ☆ O ★ T ☆ T ★ I ☆ E ★▂ - 26
(Orlando, Altamonte Springs Vister-436-Exit92)