Fri 03 Jan
Sensual Redhead : Uninhibited in the Ways of Pleasure - Available in Hampton all Week - 44
(Hampton - Near Langley)
💋💕The Most beautiful girl on backpage💋Exotic Upscale beauty💋 special💕💋Best in the c - 24
(Midland / Odessa, Midland incalls ONLY)
❤ ▄▀▄▀▄▀ ❤ NEW NEW Japanese ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄▀ ❤ Sunny Just Arrive Incall ▄▀▄▀▄▀ ❤ 757-915-2126 Busty Friendly - 22
(Hampton, Hampton / Coliseum / 7579152126 Incall)
((( S)) ((=E=)) (( X)) ((=Y=))) BeAuTiFuL+* LaTiN PrInCeSS !!! - 20
(Falls Church-Tysons Corner Incall)
==►✈️JuSt ARRiVeD!!!💞COmE & ENJoY YouR NeW SeXy SliM GORGeOuS BaBe LATiNa 👉➡ NeW to ToWn - 22
(Northern Virginia, Fairfax /falls church.)
★•{♥}{♥} Y.O.U.R •:*:• L. I. t. T. l. E ▒ •:*:• S.E.C.R.E.T {♥}{♥}•★• - 21
(Greensboro, wendover 100 specials)
♡€xOtiC S3xY BoH3mIåN GodeSS! ♥ JUSt ¤ ₩hAt ¤ th€ ¤ DOCtOr ¤ PR€SCRiB€d [Rx] ♥ - 36
(Greensboro, GREENSBORO INCALLS (Hpt. Rd))
Your Shooting STARR & the beautiful OCEANA (New to Greensboro! GFE) - 25
(Greensboro and Surrounding)
Tired Of The Fakes??? * █ * Check My Reviews: #190341* █ *VALENTINA - 23
(Greensboro, Greensboro IN/OUT)
would you like to have a real, sexy female couple fulfill your fantasy tonight?!? we are highly revi - 24
(Greensboro, Wendover and stanley (greensboro ))
🌺🌓🌺🌓🌺ALL NATURAL🌺🌓🌺!!!GIRL With BIGGEST BOOBS In TOWN 🌺🌓🌺Absolutely Stunning HOTTIE🌺🌓🌺 - 35
**Princess**New Special 65qv 125hh 150hr.....U will Never leave dissappointed....... - 29
(Greensboro, Greensboro, n.c.)
*NEW To The CiTY *HIGH POINT* KnocKOut PuErto RicaN ★TINY WAIST HUGE BoOtY★ Speclz 24/7 - 23
(Greensboro, high point, Nc)
(New Pic )B3st $pecial 3ver,35,55,100$o WHY dEAL w¡TH th3 FAKE dEAL wiTH DEL¡¢OUS lEt$ play 38DD♥♥ - - 35
(Greensboro, private location high point city)
Pick A Winner! Rare Skills & Exotic Thrills! No Half Steppin! - 38
(Greensboro, W. Wendover Ave GREENSBORO INCALLS 50qv)
OUTCALL SPECIALS!!!~Kendra is Back 4 Tonight Only ~* 100% REAL PICS*•Weekday Specials* - 99
OUTCALL SPECIALS!!!💋💖Ashley is Back and Ready To Play💖💋I Can Turn Dreams Into Reality - 19 - 19
(Anywhere you are, Winston / Salem)
o ★ o NW I N T O W N ★ bautiful UpScALe BLONDE o ★ o - - 23
(Charlotte, Charlotte, NC)
New📷👇👇👅👅Delicious thick BBW here to fulfill your needs 100%real pics 35qv .......💋💋 Come👀 me - 25
(Greensboro, high point( city) private location)
HaRLEY$ B@CK 🌟 L!M!TED ENG@GEMENT _____ V00D00B00T!E F@V0R!TE on DUTY ______ H!GH P0!NT !NC@LL 0nly - 27
(Greensboro, High Point incall only!)
I want to be your girl tonight
(Asheville, Boone, Charlotte, Eastern NC, Fayetteville, Greensboro, Hickory / Lenoir, Outer Banks, Raleigh / Durham, Wilmington, Winston / Salem)
_____ ☆ ___ I ____ ( L ♥ V E ) ___ TO ____BE ______NUDE & N@UGHTY ___ HOT EBony ___ ☆___100% ME! - 21
(Greensboro, W.wendover)
Hi, Exotic College Princess Here To relax You with a hot body rub - 21
(Greensboro, greensboro highpoint in/out call24-7)
Great Specials - I enjoy what I do & it shows - I like Pleasing Men- I'm London - A Native American - 23
(Greensboro, I-40 & Wendover - Incalls & Outcalls 2U)
I DoNT ThiNK Ur READY!!!!!! [[[[[[[[ BrAND NeW PLaTiNuM BLONDE BaRBIE!!!!! ]]]]]]]]] - 22
(On Top!!! lol <3)
Happy New Years from Cape Fear Escorts! Need a date for New Year's Eve? We are booking up fast! - 25
(Wilmington, Wilmington, NC)
❤Gorgeous JAPANESE Jasmine I'm a Kinky Big BRAT & I ❤ FuLL BODY worship & giving nude Dom-Massage - - 21
(Greensboro, W. Meadowview Rd, I-40 Exit #217)
☆ FREAKY & SEXY .60 Specials.| GOrGEouS ♛ MIXED PriNCeSs ☆ - 21
-:¦:-*~B € ¥ Õ N Ð ~*-:¦:-*~ ¥ Õ U ® ~*-:¦:-*~ W ¡ L Ð € § T ~*-:¦:-*~ Ð ® € Â M § ~*-:¦: - 21
*ArE yOu FeeLin' £uckY tOn!!!!* $$$ Sunday ALL DAY Specials $$$ (160/hr.... 120/hhr.... 60 qv)!!!!! - 26
(Greensboro, Wendover Ave. (Greensboro, NC))
A L E R T ... G R E E N S B O R O ... A R E A .... N E W ... P A R U ... I N ... G B O R O - 23
Available Now! I am Hot, Sexy, Independent and Real! - 19
(Asheville, Boone, Charlotte, Eastern NC, Fayetteville, Greensboro, Hickory / Lenoir, In town, Outer Banks, Raleigh / Durham, Wilmington, Winston / Salem)
;-) $ 80.00 SpeCiaL o© {LET} °o© {MY} °o© {BODY} °o© {DO} °o© {THE} °o© {TALKING } °OUTCALL!!! - 29
(Greensboro, OUTCALL ONLY)
NEW GIRL in Town with Killer Curves and a Soothing Touch... - 19
(In town, Logan, Ogden, Provo, Salt Lake City, St. George)
💋💋 _🌹SEXiEST #1 RaTed bL0ndE 0n BP 🌹 💕• 💓PlaTinUm pLayMatE 💖• 💕S000 SEdUCtivE 💋💋 - 22
(Midland / Odessa, ODESSA/MIDLAND)
❤ S£XY ▓▒░ *❤.•* GORG£OUS *•.❤* ░▒▓ ❤ £XOTIC ❤ ▓▒░ *❤.•* BRUN£TT£ *•.❤* 60 SP£CIAL ░▒▓ - 21
(Northern Virginia, Woodbridge Incall/ Va Outcalls)
SEXY NEW ❀*° Super BUSTY & Erotic #❶ CHOiCE ♥ ☜ Caℓℓ Mє! ☎ ❤ %♡ Upscale❤× {✔#❶♥FuN & FℓirTy} ☎ - 22
(Northern Virginia, Outcalls, Outcalls, Outcalls)
(( *PeRfEcT ChOiCe* ))!~((BeauTiFuL & PeTiTe))(( *NiCe n' SWeeT * ) - 21
(Northern Virginia, springfield mall)
PERUVIAN Freak Real Pics!!! Brand New !!!! PERUVIAN Freak !!! Experience !!! Peruvian !!! - 19
(Incall (Nova))
o°•★ B€ÅUTIFUL ★•°o°•★ Sensual★•°o°•★ Playful ★•°o°•★ PLAYMAT€ ★•°o°•★ - 24
(District of Columbia, college park incall only)
°o♥° TWO °o♥° Beauties for You °o♥° TONITE °o♥° s - 22
**•-:¦:-•*GREAT REVIEWS* •**•-:¦:-•* YoUr # 1 PiCk IS RiGhT HeRe •**•-:¦:-•* - 23
(Northern Virginia, tysons corner (IN) , D/M/V ( out ))
* {G} * {O} * {R} * {G} * {E} * {O} * {U} * {S} SExY & K!NkY , PlAyFuL Playmate ! AMAZING BODY ! - 22
(Northern Virginia, Tysons Corner/Vienna)
❶✅✅❶✅✅❶✅✅❶✅✅❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ New to the business ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Bubbly Upbeat Babe ... TRUE PHOTOS - 20
(DOWNTOWN = Olympia new open, Olympia)
~~~~Chocolate THICKNESS waiting 4 U ~~~ 2 come Get It -- 90 special! - 26
(Ffax/ Falls Church incall, out 2 N E 1)
★DONT MISS THIS★ ______ _____ ______ ♥ {EXOTIC} ♥ {PETITE BODY}7OSPECIAL - 23
(Northern Virginia, * STERLING * incall only Dulles ID175879)