Tue 07 Jan
THICK ▃▆▓▓★▓▓▆▃ CuRVaCIOuS ▃▆▓▓★▓▓▆▃ NIKKI SWEETS ▃▆▓▓★▓▓▆▃$$60$$ SPECIALS - 22 - 22
(Greensboro, Wendover)
((•★•)) $uN$HiNe BacK iN TowN ♥ Too HoT 2 HaNdLe BlonDe HoTTie ((•★•)) - 30
(Charlotte, I-77 Charlotte/In-Out Calls)
💋the Best Lollipop 🍭in the south Don't miss out✔Incall only 🍭 - 25
(Greensboro, Incall only 👍 available👊 now)
~ Two for Two! Two Classy Brunettes 336-862-2422 ~ Available - 33
(Greensboro, GSO~WS & SURROUNDING)
Upscale spinner princess ALLY. Let me treat you like a king. 336-525-5259 OUTCALL SPECIALS - 23
(Greensboro, Greensboro & all surrounding cities)
Take th€ Top of Hot $@u3€¡! Ca$h 4 gold!! Finest Chin@!! solid gold Spls!! $exy 200 - 25
(Greensboro, North Greensboro triad area)
Treat YourSelf to the FinER Things .......InCall Only - 25
(Greensboro, Wendover ave,(Upscale hotel))
The real redd bull highly favored... sorry for the fake imitators tattoos don't lie - 28
(At home on vacation, Greensboro)
**True American Beauty**Highly Reviewed**No Bait&Switch;**The REAL Deal**New Pics&Video;** - 25
(Greensboro, Greensboro/PTI Airport/HWY68)
ThE•▓ ▒ * ❤.•*PerFecT ▓ ▒ * ❤.•* CHOicE •▓ ▒ Specials - 21
(Greensboro, Greensboro, HP, WS Incall/Out)
★~♥~ THICK & BEAUTiFUL ★~♥~40 $$ ★ANGEL★~♥~ ★ONE OF A KiND★ ★IM BACK!★ - 24
(Greensboro, w.wendover ave incalls only)
💫T✪TAL ❌👊👊 KN✪CK✪UT ❌💫 BETTER than the REST ★SEXY ★ [BOMBSHELL] ◆ Upscale & Discreet 💫 - 23
💙🄱🅁🄰🄽🄳 🄽🄴🅆💙 T0P N0TCH 🅿LEASER💦 Tɦɨċҡ ɨռ aʟʟ tɦɛ ʀɨɢɦt քʟaċɛs 😇🔟 - 23
(Greensboro, greensboro in and out calls everywhere)
Star is new in town and ready to please you 40$ specials - 18
(Winston / Salem, Winston hens mall blvd)
S*w*e*e*t D*e*l*i*g*h*t -- Your Treat Tonight!! - 19
(Asheville, Boone, Charlotte, Eastern NC, Fayetteville, Greensboro, Hickory / Lenoir, In town, Outer Banks, Raleigh / Durham, Wilmington, Winston / Salem)
____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ T _ O _ R _ I _ E _ 'S _____ ____ IN ____ TOWN ______ SPECIALS ____ - 25
(raleigh in/out)
★SuGaR & SpiCe ★[ EvErYtHinG NiCe ] {TrY Me 1 Time } You'LL CoMe BaCk] TWICE!!! - 21
(Greensboro, Special $45)
Supa 😻TIGHt & JUICY Pink kitty dominican MIx🔥Mami Perky tits Will BL⛅w Your MInd NO rushing🚫PapI - 23
(Greensboro, Incall(near airport))
🍓🍓Strawberry blond.... Classy 💄👠 Sweet and Petite😇💁 white 125lbs white - 30
(Greensboro, Greensboro triad area)
💯% Real 💋 Satisfing 💦 Fun 💋Come N Play💋 Splish N Splash On Command - 34
(Greensboro, My playground or yours)
💕τθρ Qυαℓιτγ 🔥💦BRand New⭐ 💕💯% ReaL👑Uℓtiℳαtε ρℓαγℳαtε! 💕💎💋BeauTiIFuL 💕CLaSSY - 24
(Greensboro, Incalls ONLY)
★◆♥◆★ReAdY fOr YoU★◆♥◆★ ♥blonde haired blue eyed beauty♥ - 25
(Greensboro, Trinity high point thomasville)
Sat Bunny 🐰High Heel's & Lingerie😘 Cater 2 YOU😘(( SPRING MEOW {{@))🐰((Caress Me🐰A Woman 2 be DESIRED - 34
(Greensboro, High Point Rd Wendova Ave PTI airport)
💚💜SeXy JAyLA💋❤🔥Dont be Bored 💦💦Outfall specials🍀☀Take a lload. oFF - 31
(Greensboro, West Wendover IN➕⭕ut cAlls🌝🌚)
PLS READ B4 CONTACT!!sexy multiracial bbw(redbone) I do fetish and more you wont regret!! - 23
(Greensboro, Greensboro-Today only incalls & outcalls)
Ready to have some fun call me now and book your appointment with Brandy 336)264-6392 - 24
(Burlington, Greensboro)
Sexy College Girl, Polite and Discreet - 19
(Asheville, Boone, Charlotte, Eastern NC, Fayetteville, Greensboro, Hickory / Lenoir, Outer Banks, Raleigh / Durham, Wilmington, Winston / Salem, 10 minutes away)
💋💋**Princess**💋💋NEW PICS💋 Classy, Beautiful and Ready for You... - 25
(Greensboro, Greensboro, n.c.)
☆•°OUTCALLS°•☆ Start Your Day off w/ a *Bang ★Let me Be your SEXY Secret★100%☆REAL PICs☆ - 24
💋💞sehablas español..💋manic MONDAY SPECIAL💋💞💋 - 27
(Graham/Burlington /mebane/ caswell Area, Greensboro)
Sexy Brunette •~•HANNAH•~• Call now for specials!!! - 28
(Greensboro, Greensboro, High Point, Burlington)
REAL beauty🍍 exotic sunkissed🍨💣GRADE🅰 reviewed companion💅💝 Outcall🚗read complete adb4 calling - 28
(Greensboro, Greensboro/Winston/Burlington/surroundin)
♥o° °o♥ MY ♥o° CANDY SHOP °IS° OPEN °o♥o° °o♥ - 20
(Greensboro, However U Want it... via on a platter)
🎆NewYrs Resolution?🌈 I'll be uR Solution✨👍ExQuiSiTe Piece oChoCoLate 💰Good A. spcls!w/hotMassage - 24
(Greensboro, Airport Area)
[•♥•] N*I*C*E [•♥•] NEVER LOOKED THIS [•♥•] N*A*U*G*H*T*Y [•♥•] - 28
(Greensboro, GrEeNsBoRo InCaLl OnLy)
passionate playful blonde ------- must experience!!! real & genuine giving & unselfish - 29
(Greensboro, greensboro nc airport)
[♥] N*I*C*E [♥] NEVER LOOKED THIS [♥] N*A*U*G*H*T*Y [♥] - 26
(Greensboro, GrEeNsBoRo InCaLl OnLy)
(¯`'.¸ ?¸.'´¯) NO ONE -:¦:- DOES IT-:¦:- LIKE ME -- SPECIAL !! [[24/7]] - 19
(Greensboro, Ask My $60 Special)
Oh YeS CoMe GeT iT BaBy ▆ ★ThiCk N §WeeT BiG TiT *Ebony* FrEaK ★▆ 40 §PeCiaL§ Call Now - 20
(Greensboro, incall only up late night)
New Number🎇 Ourcall Sp.Sp.Sp 🍭INCALL AND OUTCALLS 🍭 - 48
(Greensboro, Meadoview Rd, Burlington,High Point,W-)
°•★•°NEW PICS°•★•°[•♥•] N*A*U*G*H*T*Y [•♥•] NEVER LOOKED [•♥•] THIS N*I*C*E •★•$45 SPECIALS°•★•° - 22
(Greensboro, Greensboro(Incall))
New Blonde_____ Cutest Girl Here____ The Girl Next Girl____Rachel_____If it's not me it's FREE___ - 21
(Greensboro, in call and outcalls)
New~ Ebony Doll "Syrrita"~ Let Me Spoil You! ~ Up All Night * ~ - 21
(Greensboro, Im waiting for you ;))